Thursday, April 26, 2012

Me trying to be cool when I meet new people:

Getting something in the mail that isn't a bill (or a wedding invitation)

When another guy asks out the ward maneater:

When I see a really attractive person dating a really unattractive person:

On a date when the guy asks me to pray over the food before we eat:

Me forgetting that I'm not photogenic:

When anyone tries to talk to me at the gym:

Approximately 83% of the times people on facebook change their relationship status to: "in a relationship" or "engaged"

When anyone asks what I want to do with my life:

When a guy flirts with me all night and then doesn't make a move:

Putting my new Victoria's Secret body butter on after a shower:

Youtube commercials:

Me at work alllllll day

Girls wearing tights as pants...

When people try and talk politics with me:

When a guy asks me out over facebook:

When I try (again) to hang out with really pretty people:

My next personal ad:

When I guy plays hard to get with me

When I'm shopping online and the shipping costs more than the item I want to buy

When another team at work has food and I'm just like:

I want some cookies.

When the guy I like finally texts me:

When people say they don't like Harry Potter